Pop culture is speaking to me (hence the article title). It doesn’t rule my life yet I enjoy staying current and hip and “down with it.”
I just saw a beautifully done movie on the opioid epidemic with a quote that is reverberating in my head,
“I need to find a way to fill this black hole in me,”
as spoken by the character Nic Sheff in the movie “Beautiful Boy.”
In music Theory of a Deadman and Bebe Rexha are talking about it.
The hole that humans are feeling in life.
What fascinates me is that while these humans all share the bond of creating in their chosen craft, passion, reason for being – I can only imagine how differently their paths led to this creative outlet. These completely unique people are drawn to different, yet very similar, ways to explore themselves, the world around them and then express their thoughts, feelings, beliefs and desires. Yet, they are all experiencing life the same way.
They are saying that there is something deep within, something within their humanity not allowing them to experience life the way that they desire. They share the ways that they are trying to fill the holes to become whole.
Is it working?
“Why, oh, why can’t you just fix me?
When all I want’s to feel numb
But the medication’s all gone
Why, oh, why does God hate me?
When all I want’s to get high
And forget this so-called life.”
“Rx (Medicate)” by Theory of a Deadman
“Everything’s gonna be alright
Everything’s gonna be okay
It’s gonna be a good, good, life
That’s what my therapist say.”
“I’m A Mess” by Bebe Rexha
So what is your way to fill that empty place within? With vices? By keeping just busy enough that you don’t notice the empty place within? Simply breathing?
These options are all normal human stuff and serve many for awhile…until they don’t.
Thrive believes that you knowing yourself SO WELL can be the antidote…
I believe this because I have experienced a newly found satisfaction andwholeness in living my life – personally and professionally.
Why does this matter to you? Because I believe, I know, that you can also experience life differently. Better. On your terms.
How can you start to feel wholeness, fulfillment, satisfaction – dare I say, joy – in life instead of lack even when situations you encounter contain a lot of suck? By cultivating awareness, using discernment and deciding how you will put the new awareness into practice. A great framework in which to do this is learning all about how to navigate your H-IOS™. You already have thesix things that can work in your favor to help you enjoy your life more.
Playing with the Author
Jenn Fredericks
Thrive can help you practice using your H-IOS™ components – thoughts, emotions, behaviors, beliefs, desires and your inner truth – to consciously design your life. My favorite is to connect my inner truth and behavior so that I know I am being wholly me in each situation I encounter.