Last week I peered out the window and the grass was mucky and muddy, the wind was bitingly cold and the sky was gray. Having collected the evidence, “Just like I thought. There’s no way spring is headed my way.”
Each day since has felt like “Groundhog Day” – the movie, not the day a month ago when Punxsutawney Phil declared a late Spring…great, a LATE spring.
I am Phil Connors caught in a time loop in Punxsutawney, PA.
I’m trapped inside – why do I live in a place where the air hurts my face?!? – with routine chores and tasks to do that I’m not excited about. It feels like I am on a hamster wheel to nowhere. There’s half-snow, half-mud on the ground. No real exciting holidays or celebrations to look forward to.
I’m just biding my time until the real fun and summer arrives. Just waking up to my typical life over and over again. I am getting by…functioning and all…but I am not particularly happy.
Can you relate?
This morning a bit of sunshine hit my face through the window shade. I almost threw the covers over my head as I have been doing…then decided to disrupt the pattern. Because that sun…it felt so good, so different.
Today I chose to see the sun and the small buds on the tree in my backyard while breathing in the crisp, cool air. I woke up. I CHOSE to step out of the muck I was wading – no, stuck – in and spring into life.
As one Thrive Human Development Principle shares, we believe…
There is magic in disruption.
What a difference some sunshine can make…
What do you do when you feel STUCK in the same day…on repeat?
What do you CHOOSE as your disruption?
Playing With the Author – Jenn Fredericks
How do disruptions serve you?
Are you able to see disruptions as magic?
If not…reach out on my coach page…I’d hate to see you miss out on magic!