Always have. Always will.
It’s not that I can’t do it…I just really, really don’t like it.
In school when I needed to figure out a word problem all my mind processed was akin to the teacher’s voice in “Peanuts” cartoons.
“wah wah. wah wah. wah wah. wah wah”
My kiddo knows to go ask her dad any math homework questions.
Guess what?! I’ve discovered a math that I can get behind! This new math has NO numbers at all! 🤗
✖️ Multiply Love
➕ Add Hope
➖ Subtract Fear
➗ End Division
This is how I aim to live my life and influence the world around me.
I’m humbled to guide clients to step out of stuckness + suffering and into their beautiful life by:
➡️ subtracting the stranglehold fear has on them
➡️ ending divisions in their life + work relationships
➡️ adding hope + highlighting the possibilities available to them
➡️ multiplying their own self-love + acceptance that then ripples out to the world!
(Image and design credit: Life Is Good)
Playing With the Author – Jenn Fredericks
I am excited to say I do math and enjoy it everyday!
Let’s talk through the math problem you’re ready to tackle first!