Potentiality in my line of work is pretty much everything. Recruiters in all disciplines sift through interested people to find the best fit for their organization and take a guess as to the degree of success the pairing will have. This guess is potential.
I have been ever aware, due to my volleyball history, past experiences and research, that we as humans have the potential to be, do, feel, think, believe, anything. Based on research, our minds wrap microfibers around the programs we create in order to ever more efficiently execute them. This is true of crushing a 100mph fastball, being comfortable on stage as the lead in the local theatre troops new rendition of Peter Pan or how you chat yourself up in your head. Humans are Rad.
This science tells us we can literally learn anything. So what makes us develop our potential in one area or another?
I believe it to be passion. Why do I continue to find projects to do around the house? I have a passion for handiness. Why do I still play volleyball? I have a passion for competition and exerting myself physically. Why do I beat myself up after a night of having too much to drink? I have a passion for self-control and discipline. And sure, I could do without the headaches.
Passion is the 3D printer of potential. Your passion adds on, little by little, in order to make a bigger, grander, whatever.
If we are passionate about something we consistently seek and build and learn. When we are passionate about something, there is no end game, no arrival, no destination. We do it because we do it. These are the people I look for while recruiting. The passionate ones.
If you’re noticing potential somewhere, it’s because you’ve got a passion for it. Where in your life are you seeing potential? Use it as an indicator for what your passionate about and go do something about it. Live in your passion and create your potentiality.
Playing with the Author
Shane Reid
Noticing potential? Let’s chat about your passion. Lost your passion? Let’s dig it up.