Just stop for a minute. Look around you. What do you notice? Now take a deep breath. What do you feel? Be honest. Did you notice the mess at your desk? The twinge of pain in your back? Thoughts of stress or exhaustion? I get it.

Our day-to-day lives can be filled with busyness, task management, and a longing for the end of the day. Some chapters of life seem to be more about survival than anything else. And that’s okay. And perhaps a shift in perspective can make that survival just a little bit easier.

For me, the chapter of life that included a divorce and learning to navigate life with two very small children was definitely a test in survival. To be honest, I felt like I didn’t have a clue how to be me in this new foreign life; and I really didn’t want to have to figure it out. I can’t tell you where it came from, but somewhere in those early days of adjustment, I was gifted an insight.

What if this is the best it ever gets, and I miss it.

Yeesh. That one insight was enough to carry me through some significant life changes.

For me, it’s not a fear of what might be coming, it’s a reminder to be on the day that I’m on and live it with as much presence and awareness as I can. There is so much to be grateful for and experience right now. It’s normal to wish away struggle and pain. It’s wonderful to believe that the days ahead will be better. And, living the day you’re on is the ultimate prize. What we focus on is a choice and a practice. Things will look different soon enough.

Let’s try this again. Just stop for a minute. Look around you. Can you notice laughter? Can you feel your breath a little deeper?

Don’t miss today.

Looking back, I can remember the uncertainty, sadness, and overwhelm that I experienced during that chapter. And, I also remember uncountable moments of joy, connection, celebration, and laughter. I would sometimes report that I was living the best and the worst time of my life simultaneously.

Are you navigating a current challenge? I would love to help you rediscover your clarity and appreciate what is right with you while you’re learning.