This has the single most influence in your life but you tend to it the least!
The bible depicts a glow surrounding the bodies of celestial beings. Science studies electromagnetic fields present in and around our bodies. A new theory, called the quantum atmosphere, proposes that properties of an object extend into an atmosphere that surrounds the material. Energy medicine refers to it as the energy field. Spiritualists call it an aura.
You carry an energy wherever you go that emanates off of your body and contributes to the overall energy of an environment. Human energetic fields begin interacting within 5 yards of each other. Your bodies contain an electromagnetic field…that are in constant communication.1
Your consciousness also projects signals into this field. Whether you are at work, home, or among friends, there is an energy around you, an energy around them, and an energy around the group.
You may not be aware of it, but you’re exchanging energy with others all the time. I often notice when a family friend is staying at his Dad’s house versus his Mom’s. He carries a more relaxed, laid-back energy and is calmer when staying at one house and appears more anxious and stressed when at the other. Residual energy from various environments, if not managed, does linger.
I see this in businesses too. I can walk into an office and immediately pick up the vibe. I can tell if the environment is stressed and overwhelmed, balanced, confident, etc., simply by paying attention to the feel of the space. I’m sure you have felt this too.
If energy is so prevalent, then why is so little attention paid to it? Why isn’t the energy field at work, home, or in your everyday interactions a bigger deal to you? You feel it, but you don’t do anything with it.
Just like you nurture your body, your energy can be nurtured as well. It is imperative that you’re continually aware of and maintaining your energy state for your benefit and that of those around you. Not doing so is a disservice to all involved. Just like you’re responsible for your children, your bills, your job, your attitude (which creates your energy state), you are responsible for your energy environment.
The first step in managing your energy is awareness. Here are a few questions to help bring awareness to your energy environment:
- How would you describe your energy environment (home, work, social settings)?
- What energy are you bringing into the environment?
- How are you managing and using your energy?
In our society, emphasis has never been placed on managing one’s energy. It’s not something that is taught in schools or anywhere else for that matter (except at Thrive). Somewhere along the way we decided that we didn’t want to be responsible for doing it.
Yet, it is something that would forever change your life.
1 Mind to Matter by Dawson Church, Ph.D.
Playing With the Author – Lori Kuhn
I cannot count the number of times when I’ve witnessed someone coming into an environment, energetically throwing up all over everyone, and, in essence saying, “Manage my crappy energy for me ‘cause I’m incapable of managing it myself.” Then, they walk off as though it’s the responsibility of everyone else to clean up what just happened, completely removing themselves from any responsibility.
Sometimes it can be a lot of work to deal with you. But, it is YOUR work!