About a year ago, I was gifted an opportunity. An opportunity to change jobs. From my gut, it was a no brainer, I’d be crazy not to do it, but my gut wasn’t the only one that had a say in the matter. Never mind my apparent schizophrenia, but my brain began to chime in saying this change is BIG. I couldn’t give up stability and predictability. This change was a silly thing to even be considering.
My brain and my gut do a great job of being rational and intuitive respectively.
Intuition is a funny thing. From time to time I have trouble trusting my intuition. The fear associated with being wrong because of a “feeling” is tough to stomach. If I trust my intuition and I make a decision based on that intuition and it turns out to give me a result I didn’t set out for, wasn’t my intuition wrong?
Fast forward almost a year now and I have no idea if my choice was “right” or “wrong” in the context of the “right way”. What I have discovered is, my intuition was pulling me towards what I really wanted. What I really wanted at the time was the thrill of the unknown, of creating something new with incredible people, of the creativity associated with figuring out a new life rhythm, and of self-discovery. I was so wrapped up in the result of my choice being “right” or “wrong” that I was unable to see my intuition for what it was truly urging me to do.
I want to thank my rational brain for drawing roots into the ground to keep me from flowing along with every tiny breeze that comes my way AND I want to check in with myself when I do feel that intuition tugging; Why is it tugging? What is it actually tugging at? Where and what do I do with this discovery?
Not every spark of intuition is going to culminate into a major life shift. Gracefully, my intuition won out and I am doings things now I could never have rationally told myself I would be doing a year ago.
I invite you to spend some time entertaining those pulls of intuition. Your gut knows a lot more about what you need than you think.
Playing with the Author
Shane Reid
There is safety in the known, the predictable. For me, a job, relationship, a community, a team is ever changing and uncontrollable. The only thing we control is our role in them. Let Thrive teach you to align your brains and guts to take more calculated actions in your life.