Is it possible that you are playing a role in your life that you don’t even know you’re playing?
My relationship with my sister has been an interesting one to say the least. For years I idolized and looked up to my big sister. Then one day, she “went off the grid” and when she returned, our relationship changed drastically. Suddenly, I found myself relating to a person that I no longer knew. And worse, I found myself justifying my actions, defending my decisions, and buffering my responses to appease her. I remember thinking, man it’s like she’s playing the victim. Her mantra was, “woe is me, my life is so hard, Dad and Mom were unfair to me.” When I’d check in with these statements my thoughts were, Mom and Dad gave you everything, you had more support and opportunities than anyone in the family. I just didn’t get why she felt so jilted in life.
Recently I was with her, other family members, and her adult children. As we interacted, I quickly realized that she played the victim role with everyone. It wasn’t just me. From this realization came the awareness that she had assigned me the role of perpetrator. After all, if she was a victim, someone had to be the perpetrator.
In this script SHE wrote, I found myself justifying my decisions, explaining every action, and feeling like I was always on the defensive. What the crap was that all about?
But in true form, she stepped into her lead victim role as though she was going for an Academy Award.
The good news is, once I had this awareness, I now had the opportunity to choose a different role; one I wanted to play and not one she assigned to me. Now I could be comfortable moving forward in the relationship and setting much needed boundaries. Now when she plays victim, I can gladly pass on the role of perpetrator giving her the space to step out of victimhood. And if she chooses not to, she can find another understudy to play.
If someone you know is playing the role of the victim, chances are you may have been cast in the role of perpetrator.
If you find yourself in a relationship, playing a role that doesn’t feel “right,” ask yourself this powerful question: What part is she trying to make me play in her opinion of herself?
Only you get to choose if the role is right for you.
Playing with the Author
Lori Kuhn
I oftentimes find that the greatest awareness comes from challenges. 2017 was a year full of challenges for me. And, it was also one of enormous growth. It helps when I keep this in perspective as I’m going through those times.