Are you feeling the tumultuous swirl of the world right now and wondering how you can be part of the solution yet aren’t sure what steps to take?
You can most powerfully be part of the solution by being your own solution first.
In turbulent times it is easy to take on all of the thoughts and emotions and energy that the external world presents to you as your own thoughts, emotions and energy and act from a place that may not be 100% authentically you.
This can leave you feeling more churned up and uncertain, and at times, ineffective.
You are most effective when you come from a place of clarity on where you stand as an individual and being in alignment with all of your H-IOS components instead of allowing the energy of the world sweep you up.
This also allows you to take action from a sustainable place.
The steps are simplistically complex. Wait, what?
Simple in the fact that all you need to practice is connecting to your true north, your centering point, that place within you that contains a deep knowing – Your Inner Truth. That place of internal guidance that will not lead you astray.
From there you can filter your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, desires through the core of who you are (which Thrive believes is a place of purity grounded in love and personal responsibility) before you act – before a behavior comes forth.
Complex in the fact that this practice does take some time as it works with your brain’s plasticity to support you in learning to experience situations from a place of control – because we all know that the only thing you can truly control is your H-IOS…you.
Simple again in the fact that as you practice it becomes second-nature and no matter what life throws at you, you can use your catcher’s mitt of self-awareness, discernment and alignment of your H-IOS components to support you.
This practice will guide you to the solution every time when questioning how you want to show up for yourself and others…for the world.
Playing With the Author – Jenn Fredericks
Do you have questions about something you are experiencing and how you want to show up for yourself first, and then the world? Reach out and let’s find your solution.