How are you doing? No. Really. How are YOU doing?
With many of us under some type of “stay-at-home” guideline, and unless your work is deemed essential, you may be working from home as your job and company allows and spending a lot of time at home. Or you may not be working at all and spending a lot of time at home. Times are hard, people are struggling.
On the professional front, what Thrive is hearing is that people are not adapting easily. Employees have to juggle working from home and supervising children’s online learning and staying on top of how to keep themselves and their family healthy. Times are hard, people are struggling.
Add to that if you are a manager at work, you are navigating your own [insert above paragraph] and being inundated with your employee’s concerns ranging from fear of the current situation to personal/family/financial issues to problems with work.
I will venture to guess that you don’t feel equipped to shoulder this for your employees, if even for yourself. Times are hard, people are struggling.
What would have to change for you to feel better right now?
(Short of the pandemic disappearing, of course…)
Regaining a sense of control? Being able to plan without the feeling of uncertainty? The fearful thoughts in your mind quieting? Knowing that stability is right around the corner? Relieving the stress and anxiety that you feel in your body?
I feel extremely grateful that during this crazy-weird time I am adapting pretty easily to working from home and managing fears that come up. Why?
– I credit a lot of it to the fact that Thrive believes in self-care and Love and Personal Responsibility.
– The job that I do allows for remote work on the administrative-side, the continuing education-side and on the client-side. Actually, I have been fluidly splitting my time between working from home and being in the office for the last few years.
Now, if this had happened four years ago I may have felt differently. I worked for a corporation that allowed some flexible work opportunities but there was always the underlying question if they fully trusted I was doing my best work no matter my location.
– But wait! There’s more!…It’s not just my job arrangement allowing me to experience this from a pretty good space. It’s the actual work that I do – that I live and breathe and practice everyday – allowing me to flow into this new routine.
It is KEY. It is the reason I am adapting well to this reality.
The work I live and breathe everyday – especially Thrive’s Human Development Principles™ and H-IOS™ – reminds me that the only thing I can control is me and that I have choice and personal power in every situation including my response to what is happening internally and externally, personally and professionally.
This work allows me to:
✔️ Regain a sense of control.
✔️ Plan knowing that it will all work out – Trust.
✔️ Manage my thoughts so that they support me rather than take me down.
✔️ Feel safe and stable in myself regardless of what is going on around me.
What boxes will you check to feel better?
You’ve Got This and We’re Here to Help!
Jenn, you are really doing ok? Oh, you gnome I am.
(Sense of humor in tact and everything).
I want you to be doing ok too. Reach out about what struggles you are facing and let’s see how Thrive can help you check the boxes to help you feel better.