Oftentimes we hear “I heard your voice in my head today…”
“I wish I could carry you around with me to whisper in my ear…”
We love hearing that. And even more we love that the time we spend with a client and the tools we guide them in practicing leads to a self-sustaining way to make their experience of life better for themselves and others.
And until they get there…guiding their own thoughts with new ways of thinking, navigating their emotions and behaviors in ways that serve them better, and realizing their dreams and desires while connecting solidly to their Inner Truth… we support. We hold them in a space of “You’ve Got This!” We whisper. And sometimes…we even whisper through text.
(This anonymous interaction is being shared with permission from an amazing Thrive client, courageously redesigning and redefining life on her terms!)
“Things are really shifting and part of me is like ok, change. The other 98% of me is like, I don’t want to let go and go farther. I am scared of being alone. Scared that as I change and walk forward that equals alone.”
“I understand that. Thank you for sharing that with me. What if as you change and walk forward you are actually opening yourself up to infinitely more possibilities of feeling and being less alone because as you connect so deeply to yourself and your desired life experience all of the things and people and jobs and events that support that experience show up for you even more? We have found that as you show up differently in life, life has no choice but to show up differently for you. You get to choose the perspective of what “differently” means…we have also found that as you move forward in a growth mindset that life / Universe / God has a way of supporting you for your greatest good.”
“Maybe that is possible. Right now the losses are really in my line of sight. I can understand what you wrote though.”
“It’s great that you understand…what I am hearing is that is the first step for you AND that you desire more trust and time to let the concept “drop-in”…does that feel true? I invite you to look into doing a Thrive Tool around this…perhaps give a bit of clarity on how you want to experience [life].”
“I will. Thank you.”
What whispers are you looking for? Where do you desire support in your life as you move forward? Where can we be of service as you catapult yourself into a self-sustainable way of experiencing life better?”
I am honored and humbled when a client reaches out for a little whisper…
Contact me at [email protected]