I got nothing. Nothing…
I have no idea what to write about this time around. This is a void of hope, depressing, “mountains to climb”- type feeling. And yes, I realize I am choosing to let myself feel this way…about an article. An article.
Yet, sitting here staring at the bright computer screen with minimal words on the page got me to thinking about other times I have felt this way. To a much deeper degree, actually. Numb, uninspired, unsuccessful. Not enough.
I don’t like how I feel in lack. I don’t like experiencing life from the perspective of scarcity. Pulling every drop of energy I can muster to simply survive is not my idea living.
Thankfully, the feeling of lack is one that I don’t play with much these days. It doesn’t serve me well. It doesn’t help move me forward or fulfill me. I mean, it doesn’t even let me enjoy life. At all.
You know what does? Thinking, feeling and acknowledging abundance.
So how to drum that up rather than the negativity bias that takes up residence so easily in my mind? The bias that exists naturally in my brain … the tendency that we all are actually born with that focuses more on the negative (lack) than on the positive (abundance) – in ourselves, others and life.
In order to lessen the negativity bias, I have been practicing new ways of thinking, feeling and responding to things. I do this by stoking the feeling of unending support that I trust I have for myself and receive from my world. I do this by stoking a feeling of gratitude for all I have experienced and received in life and all that will be.
Look at that…simply sitting with an uncomfortable feeling of having nothing…being with it…exploring it…trusting that I am to experience exactly what I am experiencing in this moment then tuning into my desire of how I would rather feel has brought me this article…stream of consciousness, inner monologue style.
So even when I slipped into a lack mindset…having nothing…a simple awareness and inner desire to experience life differently brought me abundance in thought. In feeling. In awareness and insight. In words.
I am in gratitude. I am abundance. I am enough. Always.
Playing With the Author – Jenn Fredericks
Desire abundance? Me too. Let’s practice.