What if we all started the new year with the thought, belief, feeling … the intention … that “I Am Enough”…?
Rather than starting from a place of deficit and listing all of the things I need to change about myself, all of the things that are wrong with me and creating resolutions because the calendar says that it is time in the spirit of having a clean slate … why don’t we begin from a place of abundance?
Why abundance?
Well, I know I certainly don’t feel very motivated looking at “all the things that are wrong with me”…
And for that matter, why do we usually wait for the new year to begin again when a new day awaits us each time we wake?
A few years ago I was in a place when I woke and I started my day from deficit…what am I going to get wrong while parenting today? What numbers aren’t going to match up at work today? There is no way I am going to be able to cross everything off my to-do list today. It felt horrible. Thus, I felt horrible and wasn’t able to do anything right. At least in my own eyes.
Then I learned to shift my first thought of the day from all of the above to simply, “I Am Enough.” Before my feet even hit the ground I was already experiencing my day differently.
For me at that time, and frankly even now, “I Am Enough” means that simply because I am here, on this Earth, with my feet on the ground that I Am Enough. I believe that a higher power believed that the world needed me exactly as I am in each moment, in each feeling. And within that…I trust that I Am Enough.
How do I do that? For me, I navigate from a place of acceptance of what is…and that what is and where I am, is exactly where I am supposed to be and how I am supposed to be in each moment.
Edie Brickell & New Bohemians said it best, “What I am is what I am are you what you are or what?”
Thrive talks about the concept of “More & Enough” a lot in coaching session, classes and workshops. To me, the concept of “More & Enough” means that just because I accept and trust that who I am right this minute is enough from a place of acceptance yet that doesn’t mean that there isn’t more I can experience. I don’t become complacent. I become my own cheerleader to bolster myself in living my best life at this very moment which allows me to create momentum as I level-up my “enoughness.”
Where do you feel “enough?” Where else would you like to experience “enoughness?” You can expand your “enoughness” until you reach the place of “I Am Enough” in every aspect of life.
Playing With the Author – Jenn Fredericks
Not only do I practice my “enoughness” daily, one of my coaching passions is to help others find, understand and embrace their “enoughness.” From elementary school aged humans to retirees, practicing “I Am Enough” can help you accept yourself in each stage of life and cultivate your best experience of life.