We know a lot about other people – sports figures, movie stars, the Kardashians. But how well do you know yourself?
Everyone has heard the analogy that we are each as unique as a snowflake. However, if everybody is so different, then why do we try to cram ourselves into the same small box?
Consume more omegas! Make sure you get enough vitamin Bs! Eat lots of kale and quinoa!
Become Vegetarian, Vegan, or Paleo!
Use an electric toothbrush, get dental x-rays annually, wear a mouth-guard!
Drink more water! Drink more water! Drink more water!
Every day there is something new that we should or should not be doing to optimize our health and happiness. Thanks to the internet there are people all over the world giving us the next “life-changing” advice.
But, is it for YOU?
Do you know the answer to that question, and are you even asking it to yourself?
Is drinking too much water possible? Most people would say no. Even some doctors said no and then recanted when questioned further.
I know firsthand that drinking too much water is indeed possible. I was doing it for a number of years and it turns out that it can dilute your blood and make you dizzy – which was my experience.
I also love quinoa. It has many health benefits and is known to be a “super-food.” I’m not sure if we have a federal super-food administration that designates foods as “super” but apparently some foods have risen to that status. Anyway, I feel good, light, and energized when I incorporate more quinoa into my diet. A coworker of mine, however, gets stomach cramps and feels ill when she eats quinoa. So, what is up with that? A super-food that makes someone feel bad. Is that possible?
There are endless examples of such things, however, my point behind this is not to dispute current trends or marketing gimmicks, but, to suggest that life would be a lot less complicated if we started doing what is right for us rather than what the masses tell us we need to be doing.
The key to health – and to everything in life – is to know yourself! Know how consuming different things makes you feel. Know what makes you come alive. Know how you work, learn, respond, and handle life, challenges, and love. When you understand yourself that well, life becomes easier, takes less effort, and becomes a heck of a lot more enjoyable.
Knowing yourself puts you in a position where you are no longer waiting for the next job, relationship, pill, or pay raise to make you feel better. It affords you the unrestrained freedom to feel better yourself – to recognize that you are solely responsible for making the decision and taking the necessary steps to optimal health and happiness.
Playing With the Author – Lori Kuhn
Getting to know yourself is no easy task. Ironic, huh. It’s a continuous process because we are always changing and evolving. My life’s work is to help people understand who they are and how they can operate better in life. And, this includes me too. Because, what I know to be true is, when I’m better, everyone around me is better.