As a collegiate volleyball coach, I can’t tell you how many times I have heard athletes, coaches and even parents say they want to fix something about someone else:
“They need to fix their arm swing.”
“This is a terrible plan, it will never work.”
“If I were only taller, I would be so good.”
Now, I am not against blunt honesty. As a matter a fact, it can be quite beneficial if and only when it comes from a posture of love. But let’s be honest, how often does that happen in the stands at a game or around the water cooler at work?
Enter Complainer No Solution (CNS).
Riding in on our chariot of pontification pulled by our steed of self-righteousness. Offering nothing more than an observation that brings with it a storm of negativity. Admittedly, my self-talk may be the worst offender.
It’s so easy to focus on the faults because we already know how it has been done. Consequently, when we judge with “has been done” as the answer key, how will we ever exceed expectations, break through glass ceilings or be innovators in whatever field we influence?
What we focus on expands, and that goes both ways. Let’s use our CNS to evaluate the now and look to the power of our imagination to determine our future focus!
“As soon as we get them in the gym and change their arm swing, look out.”
“I’m not feeling this plan at all. Am I missing something? Or can we take a look at it again?”
“I’m not the tallest person here, so I’m going to focus on this stuff to exemplify what I do have.”
With the focus and power of our imagination, it’s time to crush expectations, shatter our glass ceilings and innovate the heck out of our areas of influence.
Playing With the Author – Shane Reid
The ability to push passed the negative is alive and well in all of us. All it needs is a choice, some determination and a conscious effort to put your focus on what actually matters. Coaches can assist you in finding your power and shine light on what’s working. Nothing lights me up more than seeing the progress of a client and their extracted excitement around that awesome change!
Contact me at [email protected]