I Am Unique In Life And Life Is Not Unique To Me

We are as unique as a fingerprint. However, we all experience the same stuff. I remember after my second child was born, the issues of parenthood challenged me. There was the mommy guilt, the perpetual thoughts and second-guessing of: Am I doing this right? Am I being too lenient/strict? Are they too little to know better? There were some days where I understood the phrase, “losing my mind” far more than I would have liked to. It was on those days that I thought I was alone. I was the only one going through this experience. I was the only one feeling this way. I was the only one grappling with these emotions. Because I was alone in this, I didn’t really talk about it.

Then one day I heard of a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group at my local church so I decided to check it out. To my astonishment, I met 200+ other women experiencing the same challenges. What!!! I spent my entire life thinking I was alone in my experiences and in one day I realized “THIS IS ALL NORMAL HUMAN STUFF!!!” Why didn’t I know this? Why didn’t anyone ever tell me? It certainly would have made life a bazillion times easier.

In my profession, I coach and hear of numerous people moving past their six-figure jobs to pursue something on their own or something entirely different. Once launched into their new endeavor, they start to think they’re alone in it. Well, they’re not! There are plenty of others experiencing the same things they are. They may not be talking about it but I’m sure if you bring it up, the stories will abound.

This perception isn’t just for individuals. Businesses from fortune 500 companies to mom-and-pop shops all say, “Well our company is unique.” And to that I respond, “Yes, it is.” But I have also found that 100% of the time the challenges they face are not.

At THRIVE! we realize that “it’s all normal human stuff” and sometimes knowing this is all that is needed.

I am Unique in Life and Life is Not Unique to Me

We're never alone. Maybe you've heard us say it before: It's all normal human stuff.We went live earlier today with Drew, Rachel, & Lori and jammed on unique life experiences. Check out Lori's article here: https://thrivehumancapital.com/i-am-unique-in-life-and-life-is-not-unique-to-me.htmlContact us to start a conversation!thrive@thrivehumancapital.com

Posted by Thrive Human Capital Development on Thursday, June 8, 2017
Playing With the Author

As mentioned in the article, I spent a lot of time thinking life was unique to me. One time, I was convinced I had a particular ailment only to find out that no one under the age of 75 (I was in my 30s) had ever been diagnosed with it. So even in my quest to be the “only one,” I wasn’t.

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  1. […] wait. My old programming sent me back two years. Parenting “witching hour” roared back to life. WHY?!? Why??? Oh, right. The overwhelming feelings of anxiety, depression, trauma and utter sense […]

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