Friends in high school used to joke that I should be a life coach.
“Yeah, I should!” I laughed…wait, what is a life coach?
I’d never even been coached…not even by a sports coach.
What do they even mean?
I’m a Libra so thought maybe it had to do with how I like balance and harmony and can see several sides of things.
I also am a pretty good listener.
I didn’t think about it again until I found myself in an emotional place I’d never been before and wanted to feel better. I tried some self-help books, some therapy that didn’t resonate with me and then stumbled my way into some energy work with a practitioner who included life coaching in the sessions.
Ah, so that’s what that is. Yes, please.
Three months later I was staring down a career transition and thought…maybe I’ll be a life coach. It could’ve been the fear talking…the imposter syndrome stalking…but somehow I thought starting over would be much easier then translating 16 years of agency and corporate skills into a new job with a new company and new people.
(Ok, I see it now. It WAS the imposter syndrome talking…even with years of successful project management, people management and some award-winning experiential programs under my belt I still didn’t believe I was good enough. If I got another corporate job, this time I’d be found out for sure!)
I started coaching certification a mere two months later – I dove in head-first and haven’t looked back.
During certification I did the extra things that’d prepare me the most to support people as they transformed their experience of life.
➡️ Read additional training materials. Nope.
➡️ Began a meaningful meditation practice. Nope.
➡️ Yoga. Nope.
I spent hours researching the best affordable, organic skincare. Looking into where to buy “suitable” trendy blazers so I’d be taken seriously and still appeal to people “in the know.” I drove from store to store to fill my kitchen with budget-friendly healthy, organic “life coach-y” foods. 😂
I shrouded myself in external things I thought were important in the coaching industry to hide from my stalking imposter syndrome…to try to prove my worth to others and let everyone know I was the real deal.
I spent so much time looking at organic labels that I wasn’t getting organic with myself.
Nutritionists, fitness trainers and skincare experts share how drinking water; eating organic, whole foods; and physical movement gives you a glow on the outside….because what you put in shines through to the outside.
Well it’s the same when you want to up-level your mental, emotional, spiritual experience of life. You get the glow from doing the work from the inside-out. Pouring into self-care; moving the energy that keeps you stuck; and nurturing yourself with books, conversations and activities that feed your Inner Truth1 and your mind. It’s also how you stop imposter syndrome from stalking you.
I love how doing my inside work helps me glow on the outside. I don’t rely on skincare routines or certain foods to know that I am enough or who, what, when, where and why I’m meant to be.
I know now to simply show up as myself to connect with like-minded individuals who’re ready to get organic with themselves and live their beautiful life on their terms!
1Thrive-a human development company’s Human Internal Operating SystemTM
Playing With the Author – Jenn Fredericks
I was inspired to share the story of how I shed my imposter syndrome by practicing believing in myself.
You deserve to shed yours too.
Believing in Your Beautiful Life!