A wise coach once told me, “They won’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.”
While doing a workshop this weekend, I was fortunate enough to tell this parable to a group of camp counselors. The light bulbs that went off for these 18-24 year olds could have put the Griswold house to shame(reference).
The topic of conversation was reintegrating kids back into the group after causing or being a part of a disruption. There were numerous examples of great tactics, principles and rules worth using. Arming yourself with as much knowledge as possible in your given discipline will make your toolbox more diverse and will contribute to making you a more successful influencer. That being said, all of the academic degrees, psychology lessons, strategic planning meetings, 10-step programs, weekend seminars, and audio books cannot replace your investment level in who you are leading.
This caring concept is checkbox #1 in being a successful coach.
Your team is a mirror of you, if you don’t care, neither will they. If your team would run through a brick wall for you, I would bet, you would run through a brick wall for them.
As I was driving home from the workshop, debriefing with myself in the car, a lightbulb went on for me too. I love the energy that exists in teams, relationships, and projects when I really care about them. So, how the heck can I get more of that? Care more, be present where I am and bring all of me to the current moment. From coaching a practice, to playing chase with my girls, to date night with my wife.
I want to own my moments; no one else is going to do it.
Playing with the Author
Shane Reid
Awareness check complete. Now where do you want to go from here? I love to have coaching conversations because one coach leveling up means that their 8-12 players just got upgraded as well. Shoot me a message and we can explore more.