I’m sure all of you know that the collegiate men’s volleyball season approaches, along comes the inevitable excitement and uncertainty.
The excitement grows, as expectations mix with the team’s character and the wonder of the challenges we will face and conquer together as a team.
Then, uncertainty grips me, at first as a friendly reminder to “dot your I’s and cross your T’s” but then comes worry, what have I forgotten about? What am I forgetting to do? How will I screw this up?
I want to examine each feeling to really understand and appreciate its place in my life. I love excitement and if I simply say to myself “STOP WORRYING”, guess what I’m going to “START DOING”?
Let’s start with the easy one, excitement. Who doesn’t love to feel it? Cats… Algae… Dead people… My feelings of excitement charge me up, motivate me, and push me into action. I want to acknowledge it and remember it when the grind gets going. Then I can call up these tailwind feelings to assist me.
Now the worry, who doesn’t love to feel it? Cats… Algae… Everyone… I feel out of control, small and in over my head. However, when I pay attention to what I am worried about, I can use the feeling as a guide to reinforce my efforts in a particular area. “Oh, I don’t feel like this contingency plan is deep enough and I’m freaking out about it? Great, thanks worry!” Let’s make it into something I can feel solid on. If I can’t physically do anything about it, I have to break it down into the corresponding piece I do have control over and shore up that plan.
In the same train of thought, I can feel the stories forming in my head. One takes the story down the worry hole and the other fuels up the Hype Train. I want to feel those feelings and choose which pieces I need and where they are pointing me.
My ability/inability to interpret and use my emotional guides, contribute to performance in the busy times and not so busy times of my life.
Thanks feelings.
Playing with the Author
Shane Reid
Human Progress Training(HPT) can help tune you into your emotional guides. Deliberate practice is the best way to do this, so join us in January for our next session of HPT. If individual coaching is speaking to you, I love to work with athletes and coaches to discover the power within their feelings.