I recently remodeled the bathroom at our house and began to notice something fascinating. Even though I have been doing all these shifts in habits, patterns, and relationships before I began this project I began to execute old patterns that turned me into an old fart, and someone I didn’t want to be.
I’ve practiced significantly in regards to the way I contribute and participate in my relationship with my wife. And even though I continually strive to honor her, I feel great about the work we’ve done and where we are at in that area. As I began this housing project, I began to feel miserable in how I was showing up for her. I was sending her short responses, pushing away her requests to help and disconnecting with her support in general.
I became annoyed with her when she suggested a plan of attack for our ancient subfloor. I had no sooner finished what I said to her and thought to myself, “Gross. Why did I take that tone to my wife?” Like I was some flooring expert that was delivered to her from on high. AND, even if that was true, I was squashing the reality of the value I regularly find in her perspective because it’s beautifully differently than my own and often leads me to greater and wiser awarenesses.
Stuff gets buried in our subconscious subfloors. When we choose to replace it, we discover the crap that we know in our heart we want to change. If you go discovering, purposely or not, you’re going to learn stuff. So learn from it and be better.
Get in there, do some demo and make something new.
Playing with the Author
Shane Reid
Having discussions with people that are taking control of their life lights me up and makes me better. People that are tired of staring at the same flooring saying, “I’ll change it eventually”. Be aware, be compassionate and be better.