I’ve heard it a million times…It’s all about the journey! The process is the point! Well, for me, I’ve discovered it’s NOT about the journey. It’s all about how I feel at any point along my journey.
When I was publishing my first children’s book, I spent three very long months in technological turmoil learning publishing, graphics, and conversion software programs in order to upload my book onto Amazon. The destination I was working toward was getting my book published. The journey was the agonizing process of learning new technology and getting my book to market.
I have to admit, the journey was very exhilarating and fun, yet agonizing and stressful. I felt more emotions in a minute than I knew were possible. Once the destination was in sight, I realized that the entire experience was about to climax in the last minute. I thought that the minute I hit the “publish” button, the heavens were going to open, the angels would be joyfully blowing their trumpets, the sun would be shining brightly on my face, and life would transform into a series of magnificently orchestrated amazing experiences.
CLICK! It was “published!”
There I was…still sitting in my sunroom. Hmmmm. I went into Amazon and bought my book – my book that I published on Amazon. Cool!!! But still nothing. That was fun, I thought. Now what? Nothing happened. The skies did not part, there were no trumpets to be heard, and I was still sitting there by myself, in my sunroom, staring at my laptop. Puzzling.
Once I had relinquished myself to the fact that nothing had changed, I realized that this had all been a very cool experience. So one could say that it was about the experience and not the destination, but it was more than that. To me, it was all about how I was feeling throughout this process.
It was about how I felt more emotions in a minute than I thought possible. It was about how I learned cool publishing software and how I loved the feeling when I thought the heavens were going to open and how I felt when I thought my life was going to become full of amazing experiences. It was all very incredible. And, I realized I could feel that way even if I didn’t hit the “publish” button. I felt all of those feelings before hitting it. I could feel like that anytime, regardless of what I was doing!
I’m sure you like to feel amazing too.
So my questions to you are: Are you being who you want to be and feeling the way you want to feel in every aspect of your life? If not, why? And, what steps can you take to change that?
Playing with the Author
Lori Kuhn
I’m always up for a new adventure and I admit that I don’t always pay attention to how I feel when I’m on them. Over the years I’ve learned, however, that the journey is definitely the most fun part of an experience. And, they are significantly more fun when I relish how I’m feeling while on them.