When people ask me “What is Thrive? What do you do?,” I want to share from my experience how at a time in my life when I felt like I had no control I learned and lived Thrive concepts and now have such a profound sense of calm and peace that it transcends any situation in which I find myself. That my family is now closer than we ever have been. To share what a privilege it is to guide others through transformational shifts. That I can hardly believe I get to work with such an inspiring team to build a company with the mission to make the experience of life better for ourselves and others.
Yet I revert to the old marketing professional within and what comes out is that Thrive is a human development company. A personal and professional development company. That at our essence we are a life coaching company that meets clients where they are in life, in sport and in business.
So yeah, I realize that answer does not come close to touching on why we are different than other coaching companies nor does it fully express the growth that clients experience when they engage with us. It is really difficult to capture the Thrive experience in a brief conversation, on a website or through an article…even when testimonials from business clients share that what Thrive brings to the table is different than any other consultant with which they’ve worked. Or how a Human Progress Training™ graduate, “…got more out of this [program] than I did from reading hundreds of self-help books.”
So what is it about Thrive that supports clients in experiencing these results?
It’s because we are awesome. 😉
Actually, we believe (and I bear witness) that it lies in Thrive’s unique facilitation of foundational concepts. It is how, once learned and practiced, the concepts permeate every aspect of life (relationship with self, relationship with family, relationships at work) to help make life better. It is rooted in our philosophy of conversational methodology, our belief that clients design their desired life through an inside-out lens and then sustain that experience of life with love and personal responsibility. It is in the invitation to explore and learn; take what is learned into the world and experience doing it your way, then take the time to reflect on what’s working.
Playing with the Author
Jenn Fredericks
So in other words, it is the experience. Are you ready?
“I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand.” ~ Japanese proverb