You’re driving the monotonous route from home to your kiddos day camp destination – all listening to your own music, caught up in your own thoughts, completely disconnected from one another – and then BAM!
“Banana Whacker!”
A voice from the back seat breaks the silence followed by exclamations of, “Where?! I don’t see it!”
“Over there in the parking lot!”
“No! That is totally lime green!”
“Mom, it is NOT. That is highlighter yellow!”
Fits of giggles and bushels of smiles fill the car for the rest of the ride.
You’re connected. You’re sharing the same experience. You’re having a GOOD TIME together! You’re experiencing pure happiness.
I was not aware of this car game until my pre-teen introduced me to it a few years ago. The goal is to be the first person to spot a yellow vehicle (not a school bus or taxi because those are pretty prevalent) and call out “Banana Whacker!”
Some players keep track of the number spotted and subtract for miscalls. What signals the end of a round or game? How do you keep score with multiple players in and out of a car? Where did this game originate? I’m not really sure and didn’t ask because I didn’t think it would last long. I mean, there aren’t that many yellow vehicles on the road. Or so I thought.
What you focus on expands.
If you look for yellow vehicles they’re EVERYWHERE. The same can be said about finding gratitude even on the hard days. Finding the moments of good even in the suck.
A few years later, driving my teen to overnight camp, conversations are interrupted by “Banana Whacker!” and pick up right where they left off. Every 10-15 minutes it seems. That’s a far cry from a few years ago when I’d only spot a Banana Whacker every few days.
Again, giggles and smiles fill the car.
Smiles and giggles fill the car when I’m by myself playing Banana Whacker on the way to pick her up after a long week away – playing has kept her with me all week.
Playing allows me to PLAY DAILY.
Playing bring me SMILES + HAPPINESS daily.
Playing Banana Whacker invites me to FOCUS on something specific I want to experience and as I do, I EXPERIENCE IT MORE daily.
More yellow vehicles. More play. More smiles and happiness.
How will you focus + play so you experience more smiles in life?
Playing With the Author – Jenn Fredericks
I Invite you to focus on something you want to experience more of in life.
When you spot it, acknowledge it, recognize what it feels like and keep looking for it throughout your day. It’s surprising how something as simple as focusing on what you WANT to experience in life will change your experience.