“Where my girls at
From the front to back
Well is you feelin’ that” (Artist: 702)
It’s been a frustrating few weeks and I couldn’t pinpoint exactly why I felt the way I did.
Maybe that’s because my work and practice the past five years has given me the tools and strategies to process emotions and thoughts pretty live-time; that’s the beauty of knowing, practicing and applying H-IOS in life. My thoughts, emotions, beliefs, behaviors, desires and Inner Truth are pretty used to aligning for my highest good to guide me through life.
Now here’s the interesting development…somewhere along the way things were processing through and not getting stuck but maybe just a few of them left behind fragments that missed the H-IOS sieve. And then those fragments began to gunk up the gears.
I passed things through my filter again and felt a bit better then WHAM-O! Nothing would move through anymore…it just built and built until I started blowing a gasket.
I don’t like who I am or how I feel when I blow a gasket! I do not behave from connection with my Inner Truth and end up being short with people I love…procrastinating on projects because my focus is cloudy…and being mean to myself.
I ran through all of my tools and strategies again and then exasperatedly said out loud, “What the heck am I missing?!?” I reached for my phone and found my girls…
I vented, I shared, I connected. All of the fragments jarred loose and I was caught by love and support and “You’ve Got This!” and “We’ve Got You!” energy.
Connection with community. I was missing connection with community. We all are capable of tending to and cleaning up “our stuff” and yet in the end we are in need of the “other” to help fulfill the human need to be seen, heard and understood.
I want to thank MY GIRLS for filling that need for me when I tried and truly desired connection while working through my stuff.
Do you miss connection with community? Where your people at?
Yes I believe we’ve all got this and that we have our own answers within.
AND sometimes that includes knowing that the answer is to reach out for help…for connection.