- Anxiety showed up.
- Sadness showed up.
- Perfectionism showed up.
Did you really invite ANY of them to your celebration?
Shouldn’t you be feeling tidings of joy? That’s what the song says…
The holidays are complex.
Some people are navigating loss, heart-break, missing far-flung family, anxiety and other financial or physical stressors.
They are showing us what is truly important to each of us.
A lot of my past holidays were hijacked by anxiety while I tried to be the version of the perfect host I’d created in my head. “If I remember to light all the candles and the cookies are placed ‘just so’ they are going to know I love them.”
I contradicted the intention of showing love with my behaviors by ignoring guests as I tried to make them “feel welcome” by focusing on trivial things, sometimes even snapping at people trying to help me or staying stashed away in the kitchen so dinner would taste scrumptious.
I began to dread the doorbell ringing because I focused on so many other things besides what truly mattered to ME. So now I practice using my Inner Truth to anchor back to how I want to experience the holidays and inarguably it is with love and connection!
I’m sorry anxiety, sadness and perfectionism…this year your invitation must’ve gotten lost in the mail.
But really… you were never invited at all.
If twinges of an emotional alert show up I fast forward and connect straight to the intention of love while interacting with my special people.
Playing With the Author – Jenn Fredericks
I help people like you who’ve tried counseling or self-help to feel better in life.
The only problem is you still feel the same inside…broken, out of control, disconnected and unable to deal with life.
Life for you will improve greatly when you connect to your Inner Truth. Relationships (including with yourself) are better and more meaningful; you re-learn how to believe in yourself and your choices; and you feel love, gratitude and hope.
You are the person you’ve always wanted and deserved to be.