This isn’t a spoiler yet does include dialogue spoken by Ted Lasso trom season 2…
“Listen to me. Don’t listen to me…You just listen to your gut, okay? And on your way down to your gut, check in with your heart. Between those two things, they’ll let you know what’s what.”1
“Oh. My. Goodness. He gets it,” I thought. Well, he 33.333333333333% gets it.
What Ted is describing is the practice of self-awareness and checking in with yourself rather than turning to external sources to gain clarity.
Thrive believes wholeheartedly in teaching the skills of self-awareness and alignment – I practice it daily and our clients who practice this share that they’re able to:
- navigate uncertainty
- show up authentically while living their best life
- know they have everything they need to create their own destiny
- tackle tough issues head on without triggering emotions that have them living in reactivity or having their brain go down a rabbit hole of negative thoughts
They feel like a different person…they feel better.
Ted recommends checking in with what I believe to be emotions (heart) and Inner Truth (gut). The character he shared this with left with more clarity on how they wanted to move forward. This happened by only aligning 33.333333333333% (or two out of 6) of their components. Imagine what happens when you align even more!
Your Human Internal Operating SystemTM (H-IOS) consists of your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, desires, behaviors, & Inner Truth. All of your H-IOS components are dynamically interconnected. These relationships are built from a lifetime of experiences (extraordinary and every day) and influences (culture, family, friends, education, work, excitement, fun, trauma, and millions of other factors.) Your H-IOS drives how you operate in life; it is the inner workings of being human. It is the thing that you control.
Self-awareness is conscious observation or “checking in” with yourself. Everything you experience runs through the filter of your existing H-IOS, whether or not you’re paying attention. Awareness interrupts the subconscious programming that is already in place and acts as a catalyst to update the system. Becoming aware of your current H-IOS programming will help you decide which programs you would like to update to grow and experience life better.
The ability to transform your experience of life is within you and learning about your Human Internal Operating System (H-IOS™) is the way to do that.2