Entries by Lori Kuhn

The Myth of Work/Life Balance

The Myth of Work/Life Balance It really is a myth. I’m sure you’ve all seen the life balance wheels. It’s like a pie with different slices representing an aspect of life such as career, relationships, etc. The premise is to balance the pieces as closely as possible. I’ve seen everyone from Tony Robbins to Dale […]

The Art of Acknowledgement

The Art of Acknowledgement “Everybody needs an attaboy once in awhile” my Coach and THRIVE! Teammate, Jill Baake, said to me one afternoon as she was coaching me through a minor meltdown. These words resurfaced again for me as we were discussing the art of acknowledgement in our Human Progress Training. Acknowledgement is the art of seeing what is […]

“I’m Goin’ In!”

​​ One of the things we do really well at THRIVE! is help people realize that they have within them an amazing life-navigator toolbox. It’s filled with life lessons, strategies, coping skills, and road maps that have gotten them through every sticky mess and every jubilant celebration that they’ve ever experienced. And each new life […]

What Makes You Come Alive?

By Lori Kuhn “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman What makes you come alive? (I’m not referring to sex, people). If you don’t know your answer, you’re not alone. In society, […]