The Art of Acknowledgement


The Art of Acknowledgement

“Everybody needs an attaboy once in awhile” my Coach and THRIVE! Teammate, Jill Baake, said to me one afternoon as she was coaching me through a minor meltdown.

These words resurfaced again for me as we were discussing the art of acknowledgement in our Human Progress Training.

Acknowledgement is the art of seeing what is right, focusing on what IS working. It is taking a highlighter and highlighting all the parts that are right. Acknowledgement is not only a key tool we use in coaching, but also an amazing way to move through life.

What we focus on expands. Seeing the good and calling it to attention for people is such a powerful way for them to connect and own their greatness.

Even as a Coach and a student of personal growth, I need those acknowledgements just as much as the next person. As we were discussing acknowledgement as a key component of communication skills, I began to notice myself going into judgement mode. I started judging myself hard: “Wow, I’m not so good at acknowledgements,” “This must mean I’m not a good coach,” “I feel like a failure,” down the rabbit hole I went. Once I became aware of what I was doing, I consciously made the choice to not judge myself for judging myself. I let it be and it didn’t feel awesome, but I knew there was learning and growing to come.

Later that day the moment of realization hit me. The reason I was struggling with acknowledgement was because I wasn’t giving this precious gift to myself.

Everything that shows up in our external world is in some way a reflection of what’s going on inside of us.

How could I truly acknowledge others when I wasn’t doing it for myself?

Since this realization, my focus has been on practicing the art of acknowledgement with myself. With this practice, I believe I not only enhance my life, but the lives of those around me. As my ability to acknowledge myself grows, so does my capacity to see the greatness in all those around me.

Everybody needs an attaboy (or girl)! The more we are acknowledged for what is working in our lives, the more we are able to step into our power. From a place of personal power we can truly own and live authentic and fulfilling lives.

As we like to say at THRIVE!, “You’re doing it! Attaboy, you’re doing it!!!”


Playing With The Author ~ Emily Watson

Hello! I recently finished the THRIVE! Coach Certification Program and am now enjoying a new way of life. I wanted to become a coach to help people, and what I realized through my training is that this had to start with me. The THRIVE! Coach Certification Program taught me to go within, to connect with my truest deepest self. Whether you’re seeking to be a coach or just make your life a whole lot better, the THRIVE Coach Certification Program is where it’s at!


Contact me at [email protected].