“I’m Goin’ In!”

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One of the things we do really well at THRIVE! is help people realize that they have within them an amazing life-navigator toolbox. It’s filled with life lessons, strategies, coping skills, and road maps that have gotten them through every sticky mess and every jubilant celebration that they’ve ever experienced. And each new life adventure adds new tools to the box.
So this week’s message is simple. Go in. Every situation, every stress, every frustration is most effectively navigated from going inside, exploring your toolbox, looking for new tools, and responding from your internal place of confidence and self management.
Obnoxious coworker getting in your way at work? Go in. They do not need fixing. You have the power within you to position yourself and positively influence without the coworker’s behavior changing at all.
Kids making choices that baffle you? Go in. Manage what is happening inside of you and expand your understanding of your triggers and responses. Lead by example.
Life not going your way? Go in. What are you really feeling and how can you move forward and experience things differently?
Feeling confused? Go in. The answer is not more money or a better relationship or a smaller waistline. You are the only one that can discover the truth of your journey. You are the only one that can learn how to navigate the ups and downs of your life.
Go ahead… try it on. Whatever you’re working on in your life right now, can you challenge yourself to go in?

Learning to go inside and take full responsibility for ourselves can be scary. THRIVE! can help you learn how to explore your toolbox, trust your insights, and take calculated action from your personal power. These are learnable and practicable skills that you can use to get yourself through whatever shows up in your life.