You Are Powerful

You are as powerful as you need to be to experience a full and rewarding life. However, if you don’t identify with this, chances are you are focusing on what you need to DO to feel powerful or you are focusing on where you are NOT powerful. The truth of the matter is that real power is within you.

There are, however, “power mongers” out there that would like you to believe otherwise. They have many tactics to get you to believe they are more powerful than you. Oftentimes they revert to intimidation, manipulation, or a long list of credentials all culminating in non-verbalized shout outs of, “See, this is why I’m more powerful than you!” Then when you compare yourself to their list of credentials, if yours doesn’t match up, they take the power. However, this does not have to be your experience. True power never has to exert itself over someone else.

I liken it to a drug or stimulant – this false power wears off and “coming down” takes its toll on you and everyone in your path. It’s a life-sucker that’s soon replaced by the “crash.” Then the mission becomes, “Where’s my next fix?” or “Who else can I take power from?”

As stated in the book, Power vs. Force by Dr. David R. Hawkins, “Force automatically creates a counter-force.” This is pure physics. “Force constantly consumes… takes energy away, makes you feel bad about yourself… and polarizes rather than unifies.”

Power on the other hand “is complete, requires nothing from outside of itself…it makes no demands; it has no needs. Power gives life and energy, is associated with compassion, and makes you feel positive about yourself.

When you focus on the power within, you tap into your true source of power. If you can feel solid in what you have within, what that means to you, and how to use it, you don’t need to look for external methods.

So, how do you do this? You can start by pausing for a moment. Think of a time when you felt powerful, accomplished, or in control of yourself.
  • How does it feel in your body when you think of this?
  • What thoughts are you thinking about yourself?
  • When you are in your power and things are coming together in perfect synchronicity for you, how does it feel?
Go there!!! That’s all you ever have to do. Reconnect with that feeling of power and make decisions from that place. It has nothing to do with anyone else or anything external. Operating from this place will always take you where you want to go. This is the innate power that comes from within you, it is sustainable, and is ALWAYS available to you. Enjoy!!!
Playing with the Author ~ Lori Kuhn

I’ve been in business for close to 30 years and I’ve seen my share of executives exerting their power over “subordinates.” This type of power dominance shuts people down. I’ve also experienced powerful influencers whose power is infused into those around them. It’s an uplifting and inspiring power and moves people to do great things. The difference…one is real power; the other is actually force or manipulation. The good news is, we get to choose what we want to do with OUR power.