Why Ask?

I used to not ask because of the disruption it might cause in class, in meetings. I stayed safe learning by taking in information, almost blindly, from professors, speakers and colleagues to achieve my next place in life.

I am a seeker and recently devoured a two-hour Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra video entitled “Who is asking Who Am I?” During the video they waxed-poetic on the the cause of suffering and the “Transcendent Dimension of Who You Are” while I took pages of indecipherable notes while rewinding to make sure I captured everything.

– “Most people treat the present moment as if it were an obstacle that they need to overcome. Since the present moment is life itself, it is an insane way to live.”
Yes, I agree.

– “Your conception and your death are happening at the same time.”
Well, sure. When you are a timeless being in which time is born then it…wait…um…

– “Who is asking ‘Who Am I’?” Chopra shares that this question is THE KEY to ease suffering.
No. Why ask “Who Am I?” when I can STATE that I AM. I am enough in this moment, doing what I can, with what I have in order to ease my suffering NOW, allowing further self-awareness to flow from that empowerment.

Yet who am I to question the greats who provide an understanding “…in ways achievable only through the guidance of such esteemed teachers.”

Yet who am I not to ask? Discernment is a wondrous gift that allows us to find our personal truths. Everyone’s personal truths won’t always line up and that is the beauty of our human experience. For me starting from a statement grounds the belief of who I am in my core and roots in my being which allows further growth to skyrocket.
Playing with the Author ~ Jenn Fredericks

I realized that one of my personal truths is deeply rooted in a favorite Pearl Jam song,
“I was born and I know I will die, the in between is mine. I AM Mine.”
… and there is more.
What is your personal truth?
What is your more?
I am not interested in teaching you what your truths are or who you are – as THRIVE! coaches, my colleagues and I are interested in walking beside you as you explore, discern and determine for yourself what your truths are and how you want to BE in the world.