An Inside Job

A few weeks ago THRIVE! introduced our thoughts on the Human Internal Operating System (H-IOS) and how the six components within our H-IOS are dynamically interconnected. Our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, desires, behaviors, and inner truth help drive how we operate in life — the inner workings of being human.

The next week I ran across wisdom from Mahatma Gandhi, “Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.”

Absolutely Gandhi, and there is more!

This quote reminds me of when I thought life was a linear experience.
This plus this and then that will equal, what? Safety. Security. Health. Happiness.
Welcome to the world, start kindergarten, graduate high school, go to college, get a good job, get married, buy a house, welcome a child into the world, earn a promotion and so forth and so on. “This way” to a lifetime of ease and contentment.

This was my belief, yet, it was not my reality. The plans, my linear thinking, didn’t keep me from feeling unsafe, insecure, unhealthy or unhappy. There had to be more.

I started paying attention to more than my linear life plans. Thoughts were swirly. Desires changed from day-to-day. Emotions were a roller-coaster ride. Behavior became inconsistent and problematic. Yet I just had to keep on keeping on through the chaos. That definitely did not work for me! There had to be another way. Enter THRIVE!

I now know that there is no easy formula, no straightaway to living a better life.
Feeling safe, secure, healthy and content is an inside job, everyday. It truly depends on my willingness and ability to practice self-awareness and discover how my H-IOS components interplay and influence how I engage in my human experience.

I invite you to masterfully weave your human experience. Explore your H-IOS components.  Discover the magically interconnected web of your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, desires, behaviors, and inner truth. Decide how you want to consciously navigate life.

An Inside Job

Posted by Thrive Human Capital Development on Thursday, August 31, 2017
Playing with the Author – Jenn Fredericks
Are you ready to weave?
Human Progress Training is THRIVE!’s foundational class to explore
your H-IOS and Human Progress Skills.
I am excited to co-facilitate the next session to guide you to discover your H-IOS!
Attendees of the last session experienced these powerful takeaways:
“I am becoming the person I want to be.”
“I am whatever I need.”
“I am infinite possibility.”
“I am grateful.” “I am continuing my journey.”
“I am choosing me.”
“I am going to be okay and have just begun.”
“I am confident.”