Aligning With Enthusiasm

Lori Kuhn


My 18 year old daughter and her friend just returned after a week in St. Croix, US Virgin Islands. She has traveled quite a bit but it was always with the family. Having never been to St. Croix, I had to rely on reviews to gauge the safety of the island and, in particular, the location where they were staying. As you can imagine, the reviews were as consistent as throwing darts blindfolded.

After my brief online research, I was slightly, okay, let’s get real…MAJORLY freaked out!

What to do in these situations?

What I always do…my work in the moment was to get aligned, get grounded and connect to my flow.

The work was all mine!

It wasn’t to tell my daughter not to go and it wasn’t to make her paranoid by giving her worst case scenarios – that was the last thing I wanted to do. She more than anyone needed to be aligned as she was the one taking the trip.

My daughter was excited for it. Her intention was to have fun, be joyful, and explore a super cool island with her best friend.

So why in the world would I not be in that state?

Why would I not support her in her enthusiasm?

(In some instances it’s necessary to discern enthusiasm from anxiety or fear.)

Why develop my own negative constructs around her positive experience?

Why would I sit in my fear when I could be supporting, experiencing, and sharing in her bliss. (And, better yet, holding that energy for her.)

Carrying negative energy on someone else’s behalf not only detracts from their experience but makes yours an anxiety-ridden miserable experience too.

When you can get to a space of grounded alignment that energy impacts your and their experiences. It’s called entanglement.

Don’t believe me – try it!

If it doesn’t work for you, give me a shout out. We’ll get you there!